Keith Floyd's Basque Soup

Few chefs have left as indelible a mark on the culinary world as the late, great Keith Floyd. With his signature glass of wine in hand and a devil-may-care attitude, Floyd brought an infectious passion to cooking that made every dish feel like an adventure. His charm wasn’t just in his recipes, but in his unapologetic love for good food, good company, and the joy of the moment. This Basque Soup recipe originally featured in episode 5 of Floyd on France but was given only a short mention, as opposed to a full cooking scene. As the recipe was not featured in full on the show, nor published in the accompanying book to the series, I decided to publish it here.



  1. Melt the goose fat in a large saucepan
  2. Add the cabbage followed by 1-2 litres of water
  3. Optionally add ham/sausage/pork to enrich
  4. Simmer for 3-4 hours

Originally from BBC - Floyd on France - Episode 5